10-14 09:50 AM
G.O.P. Lawmakers Voice Their Unease ( By CARL HULSE | New York Times, October 14, 2007
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 � Members of the White House communications team invited their Capitol Hill counterparts down to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the other day to see how Republican morale was holding up in Congress. The answer: Not so well.
Under fierce attack on children�s health insurance, beset by politically inconvenient retirements and uncertain if another scandal lurks around the corner, Congressional Republicans are feeling a bit under siege as even one of their former leaders predicts 2008 could be a Democratic year.
�We are not happy, no doubt about it,� said one of the senior Republican Congressional aides who attended the Oct. 5 meeting at the White House and would talk about the internal session only without being identified by name.
The twist is that the issue Republicans had feared most in the fall, the war in Iraq, has played out legislatively in their favor for the moment. In concert with the White House, Congressional Republicans say they were able to execute a strategy built around the testimony of General David H. Petraeus that allowed them to forestall Democratic calls for troop withdrawals and hold the party together on the war at a crucial turn.
But Republicans say they have lacked a similar cohesive plan to counter the Democratic assault over the children�s health insurance program that will be the subject of a veto override vote in the House on Thursday. President Bush�s veto of an expansion of that program and the strategic failure have exposed vulnerable Republicans to a backlash and allowed the party to be painted as uncaring.
As a result, Republicans have been scrambling for a health care response at a time when they had hoped to be pounding Democrats over excessive spending and re-establishing their image as the party of fiscal restraint.
�We need to be on offense,� said Representative Tom Davis, a Virginia Republican considering a Senate run.
At the White House, administration officials urged Congressional Republicans to try to remain positive and ride out the current turmoil. Ed Gillespie, a senior adviser to Mr. Bush, told the visitors, according to multiple accounts, that had Republicans sided with Democrats on the health program, they would have opened themselves to withering criticism from conservatives and been in a worse position than they are now.
But that was small solace to Congressional Republicans who worry that the White House does not fully appreciate their political difficulties and that Mr. Bush, who will not be on the ballot next year, has put them in harm�s way with his opposition to the children�s health care bill. Many Republicans say the White House should have been more aggressive early on in getting behind a counterproposal.
�The president has let the debate on health care down by not offering an alternative,� said Representative John R. Kuhl Jr., Republican of New York.
The children�s health insurance program is not the only development that has some Republicans down. A string of retirements in the Senate and House continued Friday with the decision by Representative Ralph Regula, a veteran Republican from Ohio, to step aside in a district where Democrats could be competitive.
Worried about increasing departures, the House leadership has been encouraging Representative Steve Pearce of New Mexico to forgo a run for the Senate and avoid opening a second Republican-held House seat in a state where Democrats are gaining strength. A fellow Republican, Representative Heather A. Wilson, is already running for the seat being vacated by Senator Pete V. Domenici.
Republicans also have lawmakers under criminal investigation in the House and the Senate, raising the possibility of a recurrence of the election-year corruption fallout that damaged Republicans in 2006.
And House Republicans could not have been happy with comments by the former majority leader Dick Armey, the ex-congressman from Texas. He predicted in an interview with The Gazette-Journal of Reno, Nev., that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York, would be elected president next year and that �it is going to get worse before it gets better.�
Yet Republicans say Democrats have problems of their own, as shown by low public approval ratings for Congress. And the Republican leadership in the House and Senate was hoping it had struck on an effective message on the health care legislation, saying the refusal by Democrats to negotiate over the bill showed the party was more interested in political insurance than health coverage.
�While some on the left believe they are gaining political points by criticizing Republicans rather than legislating, at the end of the day their focus on politics may come at the expense of S-chip,� said Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona, the third-ranking Republican, referring to the State Children�s Health Insurance Program.
Other Republicans say the public is fed up with constant gamesmanship.
�They cannot stand the partisan bickering,� said Representative Judy Biggert, an Illinois Republican who is under fire for her opposition to the health care bill.
Congressional Republicans say their political fortunes have to improve at some point. They think the emergence of a party presidential nominee early next year will help get them out from under the shadow of the unpopular Bush White House. And while they might not be thrilled that Mr. Armey is predicting a Clinton victory, they believe her nomination could be a powerful motivator for Republican activists and donors.
Republicans are also banking on an overall anti-incumbent atmosphere. They point to a special House election to be held in Massachusetts on Tuesday, saying that Jim Ogonowski, a Republican running as a government outsider in a heavily Democratic district, has presented a stronger than anticipated challenge to Niki Tsongas, a well-connected Democrat.
�There is clearly an anti-Washington sentiment out there if you are a Republican challenger who can capitalize on it,� said Jessica Boulanger, a spokeswoman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. �Democrats have reason to be worried.�
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 � Members of the White House communications team invited their Capitol Hill counterparts down to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue the other day to see how Republican morale was holding up in Congress. The answer: Not so well.
Under fierce attack on children�s health insurance, beset by politically inconvenient retirements and uncertain if another scandal lurks around the corner, Congressional Republicans are feeling a bit under siege as even one of their former leaders predicts 2008 could be a Democratic year.
�We are not happy, no doubt about it,� said one of the senior Republican Congressional aides who attended the Oct. 5 meeting at the White House and would talk about the internal session only without being identified by name.
The twist is that the issue Republicans had feared most in the fall, the war in Iraq, has played out legislatively in their favor for the moment. In concert with the White House, Congressional Republicans say they were able to execute a strategy built around the testimony of General David H. Petraeus that allowed them to forestall Democratic calls for troop withdrawals and hold the party together on the war at a crucial turn.
But Republicans say they have lacked a similar cohesive plan to counter the Democratic assault over the children�s health insurance program that will be the subject of a veto override vote in the House on Thursday. President Bush�s veto of an expansion of that program and the strategic failure have exposed vulnerable Republicans to a backlash and allowed the party to be painted as uncaring.
As a result, Republicans have been scrambling for a health care response at a time when they had hoped to be pounding Democrats over excessive spending and re-establishing their image as the party of fiscal restraint.
�We need to be on offense,� said Representative Tom Davis, a Virginia Republican considering a Senate run.
At the White House, administration officials urged Congressional Republicans to try to remain positive and ride out the current turmoil. Ed Gillespie, a senior adviser to Mr. Bush, told the visitors, according to multiple accounts, that had Republicans sided with Democrats on the health program, they would have opened themselves to withering criticism from conservatives and been in a worse position than they are now.
But that was small solace to Congressional Republicans who worry that the White House does not fully appreciate their political difficulties and that Mr. Bush, who will not be on the ballot next year, has put them in harm�s way with his opposition to the children�s health care bill. Many Republicans say the White House should have been more aggressive early on in getting behind a counterproposal.
�The president has let the debate on health care down by not offering an alternative,� said Representative John R. Kuhl Jr., Republican of New York.
The children�s health insurance program is not the only development that has some Republicans down. A string of retirements in the Senate and House continued Friday with the decision by Representative Ralph Regula, a veteran Republican from Ohio, to step aside in a district where Democrats could be competitive.
Worried about increasing departures, the House leadership has been encouraging Representative Steve Pearce of New Mexico to forgo a run for the Senate and avoid opening a second Republican-held House seat in a state where Democrats are gaining strength. A fellow Republican, Representative Heather A. Wilson, is already running for the seat being vacated by Senator Pete V. Domenici.
Republicans also have lawmakers under criminal investigation in the House and the Senate, raising the possibility of a recurrence of the election-year corruption fallout that damaged Republicans in 2006.
And House Republicans could not have been happy with comments by the former majority leader Dick Armey, the ex-congressman from Texas. He predicted in an interview with The Gazette-Journal of Reno, Nev., that Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York, would be elected president next year and that �it is going to get worse before it gets better.�
Yet Republicans say Democrats have problems of their own, as shown by low public approval ratings for Congress. And the Republican leadership in the House and Senate was hoping it had struck on an effective message on the health care legislation, saying the refusal by Democrats to negotiate over the bill showed the party was more interested in political insurance than health coverage.
�While some on the left believe they are gaining political points by criticizing Republicans rather than legislating, at the end of the day their focus on politics may come at the expense of S-chip,� said Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona, the third-ranking Republican, referring to the State Children�s Health Insurance Program.
Other Republicans say the public is fed up with constant gamesmanship.
�They cannot stand the partisan bickering,� said Representative Judy Biggert, an Illinois Republican who is under fire for her opposition to the health care bill.
Congressional Republicans say their political fortunes have to improve at some point. They think the emergence of a party presidential nominee early next year will help get them out from under the shadow of the unpopular Bush White House. And while they might not be thrilled that Mr. Armey is predicting a Clinton victory, they believe her nomination could be a powerful motivator for Republican activists and donors.
Republicans are also banking on an overall anti-incumbent atmosphere. They point to a special House election to be held in Massachusetts on Tuesday, saying that Jim Ogonowski, a Republican running as a government outsider in a heavily Democratic district, has presented a stronger than anticipated challenge to Niki Tsongas, a well-connected Democrat.
�There is clearly an anti-Washington sentiment out there if you are a Republican challenger who can capitalize on it,� said Jessica Boulanger, a spokeswoman for the National Republican Congressional Committee. �Democrats have reason to be worried.�
wallpaper California Gold Rush: Panning
11-28 07:49 AM
As Lott Leaves the Senate, Compromise Appears to Be a Lost Art ( By Jonathan Weisman | Washington Post, November 28, 2007; A04
In January, as a dormant Senate chamber entered its fourth hour of inaction and a major ethics bill lay tangled in knots, Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) took to the Senate floor with a plaintive plea.
"Here we are, the sun has set on Thursday. It is a quarter to 6. The sun officially went down at 5:13. We are like bats," the veteran lawmaker lamented to a near-empty chamber. "Hello, it is a quarter to 6. . . . I have called everybody involved. I have been to offices. I have been stirring around, scurrying around. Is there an agenda here?"
The next 10 months appear to have given him the answer. A major overhaul of the nation's immigration laws went down in flames. Just two of a dozen annual spending bills passed Congress, and one of those was vetoed. Repeated efforts to force a course change in Iraq ended in recrimination and stalemate. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) filed 56 motions to break off filibusters to try to complete legislation, a total that is nearing the record of 61 such "cloture motions" in a two-year Congress.
And on Monday, Lott, one of the Senate's consummate dealmakers, called it quits.
"Is he the most frustrated he's ever been? Probably not," said David Hoppe, Lott's longtime chief of staff, now with the lobbying firm Quinn, Gillespie & Associates. "But frustration is cumulative."
Lott's departure from Capitol Hill in the coming weeks after 34 years in Congress -- 16 in the House, 18 in the Senate -- is further evidence that bonhomie and cross-party negotiating are losing their currency, even in the backslapping Senate. With the Senate populated by a record number of former House members, the rules of the Old Boys' Club are giving way to the partisan trench warfare and party-line votes that prevail in the House. States once represented by common-ground dealmakers, including John Breaux (D-La.), David L. Boren (D-Okla.), James M. Jeffords (I-Vt.) and Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.), are now electing ideological stalwarts, such as David Vitter (R-La.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.) and Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).
"The Senate is predicated on the ability of people being able to work together," said former senator Don Nickles (R-Okla.), who was majority whip for much of Lott's years as majority leader. "I'm not throwing rocks at anybody, but there's just been a lot less of that."
Former majority leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) agreed: "Senator Lott's resignation means the loss of one of the few Republicans in leadership who often excelled in finding compromise and common ground."
Lott has never been a policy moderate, inclined to reach agreement with Democrats on ideological grounds. But he has almost always been a pragmatist, relishing the art of the deal. Just last month, as he labored to crack a wall of Democratic opposition to the confirmation of U.S. Appeals Judge Leslie H. Southwick, Lott wondered aloud to an aide why he was working so hard for a man he did not really know and for someone who was much more closely allied with Mississippi's other Republican senator, Thad Cochran.
"I said to him, 'You know, it's not that you like Southwick. You just like the process. You want the deal,' and he just smiled," recalled the Lott aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was divulging private deliberations. "It was a game. It was, 'Let me figure out how to get this done.' "
Such dealmakers still wander the Senate's halls: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah.). And others could arise as a generation schooled in pragmatism -- such as John W. Warner (R-Va.) and Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) -- heads for the exits next year.
"Just because an individual leaves doesn't mean you're not going to find new centers to structure work in the United States Senate," said Eric Ueland, chief of staff to former majority leader (R-Tenn.). Lott would "be the first to say that no individual is indispensable."
But with the Senate almost dysfunctional, those new power centers are difficult to find.
"The Senate is still a great deliberative body," Nickles said. "But it's a little less congenial and a little too partisan."
Lott made a career out of the art of the deal. In the summer of 1996, after then-Sen. Robert J. Dole resigned to pursue the White House full time, Lott took the reins of a Senate that had ground to a halt as Democrats moved to thwart GOP accomplishments ahead of the presidential election. Lott implored his colleagues to act.
In short order, Congress approved a major overhaul of the nation's welfare laws, cleared a bevy of other bills and cut a deal with the Clinton White House on annual spending bills. After the election, Hoppe recalled, Clinton called Lott to joke that had he not gotten the Senate back on track, the Democrats might well have recaptured a chamber of Congress.
The next year, White House Chief of Staff Erskine B. Bowles and Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin -- both wealthy Wall Street financiers -- sat huddled in Lott's office, as Lott and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) tried to cut a final deal on a balanced budget agreement that included a cut to the capital gains tax rate.
"There they were, two Democrats who had been very successful in business, squaring off with two Republicans who didn't have two nickels to rub together," Hoppe recalled.
They struck a deal: Cut the capital gains rate and create a major federal program to offer health insurance to children of the working poor.
After the 2000 election, which left the Senate deadlocked at 50 seats apiece, Lott again struck a deal that angered many in his party. Although Republicans technically had control of the Senate with the vote of newly elected Vice President Cheney, Lott and Daschle agreed to evenly divide the committees. Moreover, they agreed, if one party won a majority midstream, either through a party switch, a resignation or a death, the other party would agree to relinquish control without a fight.
Lott reasoned that the deadlocked Senate could waste the first months of George W. Bush's fledgling presidency in a process fight, or he could relent early and get to work.
But such deals are getting harder to come by.
On June 7, as Lott absorbed increasingly virulent attacks from conservatives for his support of a bipartisan immigration overhaul, he took to the Senate floor for another appeal.
"This is the time where we are going to see whether we are a Senate anymore," he intoned. "Are we men or mice? Are we going to slither away from this issue and hope for some epiphany to happen? No. Let's legislate. Let's vote."
Three weeks later, the immigration bill fell to a Republican filibuster, and Congress slithered away from the issue.
In January, as a dormant Senate chamber entered its fourth hour of inaction and a major ethics bill lay tangled in knots, Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) took to the Senate floor with a plaintive plea.
"Here we are, the sun has set on Thursday. It is a quarter to 6. The sun officially went down at 5:13. We are like bats," the veteran lawmaker lamented to a near-empty chamber. "Hello, it is a quarter to 6. . . . I have called everybody involved. I have been to offices. I have been stirring around, scurrying around. Is there an agenda here?"
The next 10 months appear to have given him the answer. A major overhaul of the nation's immigration laws went down in flames. Just two of a dozen annual spending bills passed Congress, and one of those was vetoed. Repeated efforts to force a course change in Iraq ended in recrimination and stalemate. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) filed 56 motions to break off filibusters to try to complete legislation, a total that is nearing the record of 61 such "cloture motions" in a two-year Congress.
And on Monday, Lott, one of the Senate's consummate dealmakers, called it quits.
"Is he the most frustrated he's ever been? Probably not," said David Hoppe, Lott's longtime chief of staff, now with the lobbying firm Quinn, Gillespie & Associates. "But frustration is cumulative."
Lott's departure from Capitol Hill in the coming weeks after 34 years in Congress -- 16 in the House, 18 in the Senate -- is further evidence that bonhomie and cross-party negotiating are losing their currency, even in the backslapping Senate. With the Senate populated by a record number of former House members, the rules of the Old Boys' Club are giving way to the partisan trench warfare and party-line votes that prevail in the House. States once represented by common-ground dealmakers, including John Breaux (D-La.), David L. Boren (D-Okla.), James M. Jeffords (I-Vt.) and Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.), are now electing ideological stalwarts, such as David Vitter (R-La.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.) and Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).
"The Senate is predicated on the ability of people being able to work together," said former senator Don Nickles (R-Okla.), who was majority whip for much of Lott's years as majority leader. "I'm not throwing rocks at anybody, but there's just been a lot less of that."
Former majority leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) agreed: "Senator Lott's resignation means the loss of one of the few Republicans in leadership who often excelled in finding compromise and common ground."
Lott has never been a policy moderate, inclined to reach agreement with Democrats on ideological grounds. But he has almost always been a pragmatist, relishing the art of the deal. Just last month, as he labored to crack a wall of Democratic opposition to the confirmation of U.S. Appeals Judge Leslie H. Southwick, Lott wondered aloud to an aide why he was working so hard for a man he did not really know and for someone who was much more closely allied with Mississippi's other Republican senator, Thad Cochran.
"I said to him, 'You know, it's not that you like Southwick. You just like the process. You want the deal,' and he just smiled," recalled the Lott aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was divulging private deliberations. "It was a game. It was, 'Let me figure out how to get this done.' "
Such dealmakers still wander the Senate's halls: Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah.). And others could arise as a generation schooled in pragmatism -- such as John W. Warner (R-Va.) and Pete V. Domenici (R-N.M.) -- heads for the exits next year.
"Just because an individual leaves doesn't mean you're not going to find new centers to structure work in the United States Senate," said Eric Ueland, chief of staff to former majority leader (R-Tenn.). Lott would "be the first to say that no individual is indispensable."
But with the Senate almost dysfunctional, those new power centers are difficult to find.
"The Senate is still a great deliberative body," Nickles said. "But it's a little less congenial and a little too partisan."
Lott made a career out of the art of the deal. In the summer of 1996, after then-Sen. Robert J. Dole resigned to pursue the White House full time, Lott took the reins of a Senate that had ground to a halt as Democrats moved to thwart GOP accomplishments ahead of the presidential election. Lott implored his colleagues to act.
In short order, Congress approved a major overhaul of the nation's welfare laws, cleared a bevy of other bills and cut a deal with the Clinton White House on annual spending bills. After the election, Hoppe recalled, Clinton called Lott to joke that had he not gotten the Senate back on track, the Democrats might well have recaptured a chamber of Congress.
The next year, White House Chief of Staff Erskine B. Bowles and Treasury Secretary Robert E. Rubin -- both wealthy Wall Street financiers -- sat huddled in Lott's office, as Lott and House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) tried to cut a final deal on a balanced budget agreement that included a cut to the capital gains tax rate.
"There they were, two Democrats who had been very successful in business, squaring off with two Republicans who didn't have two nickels to rub together," Hoppe recalled.
They struck a deal: Cut the capital gains rate and create a major federal program to offer health insurance to children of the working poor.
After the 2000 election, which left the Senate deadlocked at 50 seats apiece, Lott again struck a deal that angered many in his party. Although Republicans technically had control of the Senate with the vote of newly elected Vice President Cheney, Lott and Daschle agreed to evenly divide the committees. Moreover, they agreed, if one party won a majority midstream, either through a party switch, a resignation or a death, the other party would agree to relinquish control without a fight.
Lott reasoned that the deadlocked Senate could waste the first months of George W. Bush's fledgling presidency in a process fight, or he could relent early and get to work.
But such deals are getting harder to come by.
On June 7, as Lott absorbed increasingly virulent attacks from conservatives for his support of a bipartisan immigration overhaul, he took to the Senate floor for another appeal.
"This is the time where we are going to see whether we are a Senate anymore," he intoned. "Are we men or mice? Are we going to slither away from this issue and hope for some epiphany to happen? No. Let's legislate. Let's vote."
Three weeks later, the immigration bill fell to a Republican filibuster, and Congress slithered away from the issue.
08-01 02:28 PM
This was quoted on Numbers USA site -
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) is still holding hostage E-Verify reauthorization legislation in the Senate until he gets 500,000 additional permanent foreign worker visas. These are simple "skilled" visas, where an individual doesn't need any specialized training or education (other than two years of college). As such, the legislation would keep a half-million Americans out of work. Senate leadership is considering taking up the E-Verify reauthorization bill today before members depart for summer recess, so Senators are negotiating with Menendez in order to reach an accommodation.
Is there any direction from Members on this.
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) is still holding hostage E-Verify reauthorization legislation in the Senate until he gets 500,000 additional permanent foreign worker visas. These are simple "skilled" visas, where an individual doesn't need any specialized training or education (other than two years of college). As such, the legislation would keep a half-million Americans out of work. Senate leadership is considering taking up the E-Verify reauthorization bill today before members depart for summer recess, so Senators are negotiating with Menendez in order to reach an accommodation.
Is there any direction from Members on this.
2011 Gold Rush Days in Old
Blog Feeds
11-30 03:21 AM
From UPI: U.S. Latinos, feeling neglected by both parties, are discussing forming an independent "Tequila Party" force, leaders say. "I don't know if it's going to happen, but there's talk," Fernando Romero, president of Nevada's Hispanics in Politics, told the Las Vegas Sun. "There's discussion about empowerment of the Latino vote." The idea, being debated in Nevada and around the country, stems from frustration over the Democrats' inaction on immigration reform and feelings of being taken for granted. While I wouldn't put too much credence in this happening any time soon, it does raise the point that Latinos expect more...
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01-12 10:44 AM
Mine is in Nebraska, FP just expired and got them redone.
08-22 06:13 PM
Simply create a button that links to the zip file. Instead of linking to a web site, link to the URL of the file instead!
03-11 03:24 PM
I need at least one person from Vermont
2010 restrictions for CEOs,
05-19 02:40 PM
Hello All,
I'm in a big fix now, need immediate suggestion and help.
I have a valid H1B petition filed from SC, now I had moved to FL and started working on a prj. I have planned for my trip to india early june and then I came to know from my lawyer that I need to have a new LCA and H1B amendment before traveling to india and appearing for visa interview.
They had already filed for my new LCA which I have got and they had applied for my H1B premium amendment also but I haven't got the new petition yet.
I have applied for the visa interview by filling all the DS-160 forms for my family based on old petition number.
Can I can still go ahead with the interview and carry the new amended petition in my hand OR should I cancel the existing interview and once again fill the new DS-160 forms and take the new interview date ?
Please let me know on this....
I'm in a big fix now, need immediate suggestion and help.
I have a valid H1B petition filed from SC, now I had moved to FL and started working on a prj. I have planned for my trip to india early june and then I came to know from my lawyer that I need to have a new LCA and H1B amendment before traveling to india and appearing for visa interview.
They had already filed for my new LCA which I have got and they had applied for my H1B premium amendment also but I haven't got the new petition yet.
I have applied for the visa interview by filling all the DS-160 forms for my family based on old petition number.
Can I can still go ahead with the interview and carry the new amended petition in my hand OR should I cancel the existing interview and once again fill the new DS-160 forms and take the new interview date ?
Please let me know on this....
07-27 12:27 AM
I have applied for AOS/EAD/AP. I am moving to a new address soon. Will the recipt and EAD/AP be sent to me Old address? I am worried that they may get lost.
hair California Class War History:
05-26 01:59 PM
Hi Guys:
My wife received the H1 approval notice today. Her employer notified her today morning. Good luck to all those who are waiting for the approval.
My wife received the H1 approval notice today. Her employer notified her today morning. Good luck to all those who are waiting for the approval.
09-14 05:06 PM
They can pay you in anything they like for immigration purposes. US immigration doesn't care what you get paid when you're outside the US.
hot They viewed California as
04-26 01:04 PM
Wonder what these people will say, if the native indians proposed laws that said, anybody who is not Indian (:D) need to leave the country; no Caucasians are welcome in this land!!!!!!!!
house The California gold rush
Blog Feeds
01-20 06:50 AM
A reader sent me a link to a post at the The Future of Capitalism blog reminding folks that being pro-immigration fits right in to a conservative agenda: David Cameron, the British "Conservative" Party leader who favors a top income tax rate of 50%, also wants immigration restrictions that would limit Great Britain's population over the next 20 years to 70 million. The Financial Times has an editorial with some reasons this is a bad idea. Here in America, the restrictionist Federation for American Immigration Reform is a bronze sponsor of next month's National Tea Party Convention. Here at,...
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tattoo Routes to California in 1849
02-26 02:06 AM
As most of you know, there is a conference call today(Sunday) at 3:00 EST. Please obtain the details of WHERE TO CALL and PASSCODE by calling 281-576-7185 if you do not have it already.
During the conference call: (The moderator would cover this but a little heads up never hurt anyone :) )
1. Please avoid using the speakerphone. It creates echo. :)
2. Press 4 * (four star) after joining the call to go on MUTE mode. When you want to speak press 4 * again and your line would be unmuted. You would help greatly by muting your line when listening to avoid the noise/sounds chiming in from about 80-100 lines.:)
Thanks and make it a great day :)
As most of you know, there is a conference call today(Sunday) at 3:00 EST. Please obtain the details of WHERE TO CALL and PASSCODE by calling 281-576-7185 if you do not have it already.
During the conference call: (The moderator would cover this but a little heads up never hurt anyone :) )
1. Please avoid using the speakerphone. It creates echo. :)
2. Press 4 * (four star) after joining the call to go on MUTE mode. When you want to speak press 4 * again and your line would be unmuted. You would help greatly by muting your line when listening to avoid the noise/sounds chiming in from about 80-100 lines.:)
Thanks and make it a great day :)
pictures the California Gold Rush
04-12 02:42 PM
I was keep observing the PERM approval rate trend for the past one year. Approval rate is very slow. But it is suddently jumped since last month. Looks like it is a good time to start filing another labor. I am in the same boat. Trying for a new employer for EB2.
dresses Discover gold for yourself.
03-05 05:01 PM
it is not counted. What you see in W2 that is your wage...
makeup The California Council for

Blog Feeds
03-29 07:50 AM
From the San Francisco Chronicle: A Concord man was sentenced on Friday to six months in prison and three years of supervised release, for making false statements on 11 applications for high-technology worker visas, United States Attorney Melinda Haag and Patrick Durkin, Special Agent In-Charge of the Diplomatic Security Service announced. Chennupati admitted that between April 1, 2008 and March 3, 2009, he submitted 11 foreign worker petitions to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that contained counterfeit job offer letters from the Gap Corporation, Wells Fargo Bank and Genentech. Chennupati also admitted that he falsely stated on the foreign worker...
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girlfriend Technorati Tags: Gold Rush,
08-08 03:29 AM
Hi all,
I am going to US this year December. I also took Tickets for my Travel with the same name as in Passport. And in my Passport, my Surname & Firstname are completely mensioned. But my name in all my certificates is in short form like ( S H V My Name). Will this cause any problem in future if I apply for H1B??
I am going to US this year December. I also took Tickets for my Travel with the same name as in Passport. And in my Passport, my Surname & Firstname are completely mensioned. But my name in all my certificates is in short form like ( S H V My Name). Will this cause any problem in future if I apply for H1B??
hairstyles Events for Children
03-25 03:05 PM
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD AFTERNOON GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Deadline = April 30th, 2011
Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")
This is a supporting thread to the "Want to File I-485 without Current Priority Date? Gather here" thread started by pappu.
As suggested by pappu/starsun, this supporting thread provides impacted members with additional information and tools to help the initiative.
Visit Immigration Voice Wiki ( 2C_and_EB3.29) - for overview of Employment Based - Green Card process
Visit I485 Filing w/o current PD Wiki ( - for overview of this initiative
As pappu stated in the first post of the above referenced thread - some of the ongoing efforts include finding how many IV members would get benefit from such a provision and get basic details such as username/Priority Date of impacted members. Future action items might include drafting documents and letters to support this provision. There maybe actions such as sending emails etc. However we would not be able to open a public action item unless we can have thousands of our members willing to participate in a grassroots action item. This survey intends to understand the needs of our membership for this provision and collect grassroots information.
The fact is we have a dedicated group of volunteers (and we need more) who have been trying their best to spread the message about this initiative so that a strong grass-roots support can be created leading up to launch of the public action items. So far we have around 1100 people who have responded. Based on quick calculations carried out using PERM data, it is estimated that there are at least 60K-70K EB applicants waiting to file I-485/EAD/AP (this is a very conservative estimate..the actual number could be much more). Grass-roots initiatives require time and patience and we request maximum number of impacted folks to participate actively.
What can you do to participate?
1) Vote on the poll/survey created by Pappu.
Then please send an email to (starsun) with subject - "I485 filing without current PD - Impacted Member". Include your a) IV username b) Email address c) Phone #, d) State of Residence e) Priority Date - so that grassroot efforts can be coordinated
2) Print out below Flier and circulate at all asian/indian malls/groceries/theaters. Forward the flier to your friends/co-workers and ask them to do the same.
I485 Filing Initiative Flier (
3) Volunteers have created a facebook community and an Immigration Voice WIKI page to spread the message about this initiative. Please circulate these links among your friends/co-workers who will be helped.
Please "Share" and "Link" and "send to friend" the facebook community via your Facebook account. Also include these two links when you post on the IV forum.
Facebook - IV I485 filing w/o current PD initiative community (!/pages/Immigration-Voice-Grass-roots-Campaigns/150562351660693?v=info)
(Just FYI that you might have to be logged in for the above link to direct to the facebook community. Alternately, search for "Immigration Voice Grass-roots Campaigns" to find the community after logging in. Search "Immigration Voice" to go to the IV's main facebook page)
Immigration Wiki -
I485 Filing Initiative - IV Wiki (
PM these members for additional info:
nmdial ; geevikram ; vbkris77 ; ashwin_27 ; snathan
Dedicated members can also join the leaders group:
Deadline = April 30th, 2011
Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")
This is a supporting thread to the "Want to File I-485 without Current Priority Date? Gather here" thread started by pappu.
As suggested by pappu/starsun, this supporting thread provides impacted members with additional information and tools to help the initiative.
Visit Immigration Voice Wiki ( 2C_and_EB3.29) - for overview of Employment Based - Green Card process
Visit I485 Filing w/o current PD Wiki ( - for overview of this initiative
As pappu stated in the first post of the above referenced thread - some of the ongoing efforts include finding how many IV members would get benefit from such a provision and get basic details such as username/Priority Date of impacted members. Future action items might include drafting documents and letters to support this provision. There maybe actions such as sending emails etc. However we would not be able to open a public action item unless we can have thousands of our members willing to participate in a grassroots action item. This survey intends to understand the needs of our membership for this provision and collect grassroots information.
The fact is we have a dedicated group of volunteers (and we need more) who have been trying their best to spread the message about this initiative so that a strong grass-roots support can be created leading up to launch of the public action items. So far we have around 1100 people who have responded. Based on quick calculations carried out using PERM data, it is estimated that there are at least 60K-70K EB applicants waiting to file I-485/EAD/AP (this is a very conservative estimate..the actual number could be much more). Grass-roots initiatives require time and patience and we request maximum number of impacted folks to participate actively.
What can you do to participate?
1) Vote on the poll/survey created by Pappu.
Then please send an email to (starsun) with subject - "I485 filing without current PD - Impacted Member". Include your a) IV username b) Email address c) Phone #, d) State of Residence e) Priority Date - so that grassroot efforts can be coordinated
2) Print out below Flier and circulate at all asian/indian malls/groceries/theaters. Forward the flier to your friends/co-workers and ask them to do the same.
I485 Filing Initiative Flier (
3) Volunteers have created a facebook community and an Immigration Voice WIKI page to spread the message about this initiative. Please circulate these links among your friends/co-workers who will be helped.
Please "Share" and "Link" and "send to friend" the facebook community via your Facebook account. Also include these two links when you post on the IV forum.
Facebook - IV I485 filing w/o current PD initiative community (!/pages/Immigration-Voice-Grass-roots-Campaigns/150562351660693?v=info)
(Just FYI that you might have to be logged in for the above link to direct to the facebook community. Alternately, search for "Immigration Voice Grass-roots Campaigns" to find the community after logging in. Search "Immigration Voice" to go to the IV's main facebook page)
Immigration Wiki -
I485 Filing Initiative - IV Wiki (
PM these members for additional info:
nmdial ; geevikram ; vbkris77 ; ashwin_27 ; snathan
Dedicated members can also join the leaders group:
09-24 09:29 PM
I received my EAD but my spouse EAD did not arrive and it has been more than 2 weeks. The status says Card production Ordered.
I ehard USCIS asks us to anyhow reapply, so should I have to wait untill the 30 days have passed to reapply for replacement ead or can I apply before?. Is there any way the process can be expedited as my spouse has to work on this EAD. Any info is really appreciated.
Also can we work when we have the receipt for replacement card
I ehard USCIS asks us to anyhow reapply, so should I have to wait untill the 30 days have passed to reapply for replacement ead or can I apply before?. Is there any way the process can be expedited as my spouse has to work on this EAD. Any info is really appreciated.
Also can we work when we have the receipt for replacement card
10-15 07:37 PM
I'm sure some poor forum member had that idea and now isn't gonna submit it because of this :grin:
They probably thought they'd win too.
They probably thought they'd win too.
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