Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Arizona Arnold Palmer Drink

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  • pani_6
    08-14 05:56 PM
    Yes June may be June 07 and so you may see dates moving to June 03..lets see next month..

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  • Arizona Arnold Palmer Half

  • gsthantry
    07-20 09:24 AM
    Thanks IV

    Order Details - Jul 20, 2007 8:48 AM CDT
    Google Order #923744015668350

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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 03:52 PM
    Bumpers...please bump this thread...this should be on top...

    That will help matters. However what we would REALLY like to see is, that the thread remains on top via actual people contributing and logging that they did so on here.

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  • amitjoey
    01-04 04:58 PM
    I see that a lot of us feel really stuck because of the long GC process and yet we continue to wait. Eventually we all want to have:
    1. Freedom to switch jobs
    2. Freedom to start businesses
    3. Freedom to travel
    4. Freedom to have spouse working

    I hope and pray that it comes thru sooner than later for all of us. Let's say you get your GC in 1-2-x years. How many years after that would you go back? 2-3 or wait till you get US citizenship? Would you give up the GC after having spent 5+ years waiting and maybe a total of 8-10+ years in US?

    For those of us who are thinking that I want to go back eventually, what steps do you plan to take once you get your GC? The reason I raise this question is, it was easy to adapt to a new place when you were young. 6-10 years later (and a couple of kids later :-) what are some of the things you intend to do make your transition homewards easier? Has anyone considered taking on positions with significant travel to India(or your home country) so that you can get accustomed to the lifestyle/work environment/business back home?

    For me: Wait another 5-7 years, in the meantime yes, considering taking on positions with significant travel to India (where I am from). Investing and paying for building a home/apartment.


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  • go_guy123
    02-24 01:20 PM
    Dont assume that people who gone back to India and working a manager are living happily without any issues.
    One of my friends whome I used to work in 2005 was promoted to manager in 2007. Now he is in a dilemma whether to continue to go up the ladder or come back doing technical stuff. Salary wise he is not getting that much and he doesnt know how the company will do infuture. It all depends on US economy. If you are looking for 18L above salary, then it is very very tough to get a job in india.

    Very coreect can forget career growth in India without a MBA degree.

    Arizona Arnold Palmer Drink. Arizona Arnold Palmer Half
  • Arizona Arnold Palmer Half

  • needhelp!
    09-10 05:06 PM
    vandanaverdia's friend, stillhopefull , asanghi, axp817, xtetic , srgadi, gcnirvana, himu73, iqube00, desperatedesi , Harivinder, vijay1974 , manugee, niva


    Arizona Arnold Palmer Drink. Arnold Palmers are one of my
  • Arnold Palmers are one of my

  • greyhair
    04-29 10:36 PM
    Link to the video of the Senate immigration

    C-SPAN Video Player - Senate Majority Leader Reid & Democratic Members on Immigration Reform ( Immigration+Reform.aspx)

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  • 9years
    10-29 11:13 AM
    NO LUD on I-485 yet.



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  • ronhira
    08-12 02:36 PM
    yawnnnnnnnn...... i'm waiting for someone to start attacking & blaming others for this...... something like andra v/s tamil or north v/s south india fight..... when r we going to start that..... i'm ready with a box of popcorn to enjoy that "debate"..... lets add some masala to this.... otherwise its boring.....

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  • himu73
    07-11 12:40 PM
    Is this the same bulletin as in uscis website. I dont see the August bulletin on Uscis website and the EB2 PD is still April 2004


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  • ak_2006
    06-10 02:13 PM
    Can you post the link of the official announcement, thanks in advance

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  • indyyy
    04-11 03:02 PM
    No, unfortunatelly, there are many thousands like me.
    PD - Nov 2001, regular, EB2 - No 45 day letter yet - How about that ?


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  • This can of Arnold Palmer

  • dslamba
    05-27 03:35 PM
    If I may suggest it may help our funding drive if we allow smaller contributions. (20$ or 10$) both recurring and one time.

    I know at least a couple of people who would do a 20$ 2-3 times a year but won't do a $50. Anecdotal but may hold true for a lot more people.


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  • gc_perm2k6
    03-05 05:26 PM
    My 485 had soft LUD on 2/27/09. Although, my husband's dependent application dint have one.


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  • chandsri81
    04-28 02:42 PM
    thats good to know! Thanks!

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  • jetflyer
    12-15 11:13 AM
    What a nobel idea. IV has thousands of members and we all are with you. What we don't seems to have is LEADER. Yes, we are lacking leaders like you, If you start I am sure all IV members will follow you. Just drop us a line when you are ready to start. We all are counting on you.


    Dear Friends,

    What about if some of us will go for hunger strike in front of USCIC building? may be the will listen to us then.

    please dont give reds if you dont like it, just ignore it. man I am very frustrated with the situation.



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  • pappu
    11-20 10:13 PM
    Work in progress; comments welcome.

    Thanks for the effort. All pls send PMs to jimi if you have comments.

    girlfriend tea is aug Tried the drink Arizona Arnold Palmer Drink. the Arizona Arnold Palmer
  • the Arizona Arnold Palmer

  • Pineapple
    01-06 04:58 PM
    The video is obviously edited, so it is hard to put some of the statements into context without access to the entire transcript. (In any case, we cannot see what charts he is referring to)

    Anyway: Regarding the point that it is relatively easy to find skilled people here than in India, I tend to agree. However, the reason is that the most skilled graduates from India (and China) do not stick around for long there, and are actually to be found here! Without checking the raw data it is impossible to comment on Mr Wadhwa's assertion regarding ease of filling positions in US vs India/China. (For instance, does his data on US companies include positions (in US) filled by immigrants or does it include only positions filled by US born citizens?)

    Getting to where he is amazed that R&D is done in India & China, I'm not sure why that is surprising, and indeed, why should it even contradict his assertion that the vast majority of Indian/Chinese graduates are appalling. I'm not commenting on whether that assertion is true or not. I do not know, but, even granting it is true, it is important to remember that a minority of a large population might be as big, or bigger than the majority of a small population. (Remember, you have to exclude all foreign students from US universities and only include US born citizens in the population of American engineers. Why? Because all foreign students would need H1 to work here, just the same as a student in a Indian/Chinese university. To avoid 'double counting' basically) So how do we compare apples to apples? How do we compare "number of good engineers in US" vs "number of good engineers in China/India"? It is very hard to do that via a survey, if not impossible. The best survey is observing the "invisible hand" of the market: If good research is done in India/China, while simultaneously, immigrants from there have a had a huge role to play in Silicon Valley's success, that tells you something, does it not?

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  • the Arizona Arnold Palmer

  • chintu25
    03-09 10:42 AM
    Good one ..itsnotfunny....but I will tell you that each one of us does wait with baited breath for the VB .

    I am all for the FOIA drive and have promised some money as well. But lets just hope and pray that the VB brings some good news for some of us :)

    03-12 11:46 AM
    I feel contribution campaign for a specific initiative will have a better result than a general contribution.

    The home page should show all the initiatives that is being worked on. Who is leading the effort and then people can contribute for those efforts. This way everyone will have a say in what they feel is more important by contributing more to that effort.

    The reason i feel this is because currently the only way i can understand the progress about any initiative is by constantly reading the forum. A lot of times people change topics and open several threads. I need to keep pace with the posts. I spend several hours a day to keep up. I may not be able to do this forever.

    Legal employement based immigration has various aspects.Initiative are vast ranging from F1 visas to Advance Parole. If we break the contribution by initiatives, people can visit those areas so they can contribute their time and money more effectively.

    Just my 2 cents.

    08-02 04:26 PM
    i am a 2nd july filer, my cheques were cashed today. filed at nebraska
    Congrats !! Hopefully we all get some good news before the weekend !

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