Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Marnie Stern Album

images Marnie Stern 05 Marnie Stern Marnie Stern Album. With Marnie Stern#39;s new,
  • With Marnie Stern#39;s new,

  • tushbush
    03-05 04:01 PM
    same here my friend.


    wallpaper With Marnie Stern#39;s new, Marnie Stern Album. The great Marnie Stern is set
  • The great Marnie Stern is set

  • Libra
    09-29 10:00 AM
    Dear Gonzalez,

    Distributing receipts are less priority compare to using visa numbers before end of fiscal year. You can always distribute receipts even after a month but can't use visa numbers once wasted. such a simple thing, why don't you understand.

    OMG did i said that? :eek: yabadaba, glus, needGCcool, greatzolin and party will kill me. no, they wont they already got their receipts:D :D

    just kidding, take it easy.

    Marnie Stern Album. Marnie Stern – “Transparency
  • Marnie Stern – “Transparency

  • indianabacklog
    07-28 10:32 PM
    Age Out Issue for filing I-485: Gurus, please advise me on the age out issue of my son.
    (1) Dates & Calculations effecting filing I_485: Here are the dates and the calculations I did which result in effective age of �21 yrs + 1 month + 1 day� thus making it Age-out issue for filing for I-485 for my son.

    (A) Priority date : Nov, 2005
    (B) I-140 receipt : 2/22/2006 I-140 approval : 3/22/2006
    (C) I-140 pending period : One month (too fast where it was not a help!)
    (I-140 was approved in my son�s 20th year � however, I learned that it is not of any help for filing his I-485)
    (D) Applied for I-485 (for rest of family � not for son) (Thanks to IV) : First week of July 2007
    (E) DOB of son : 3/30/1986
    (F) Currant age : 21 yrs + 4 months (Currently on F1 and doing his under grad in US)
    (G) Date to be considered for determining the age for filing I-485 : 6/1/2007
    (since the monthly bulletin is released on 6/12/2007)
    (H) Age as on above date (6/1/2007) : 21 yrs + 2 month + 1 day
    (I) Benefit from CSPA :(I-140) pending days (C) : 1 month
    (J) Effective age for filing I-485 during current window : (H) � (J) : 21 yrs + 1 month + 1 day
    (2) Since, he aged out for filing for I-485 (also based on attorney�s calculation), his papers were not included and only papers for rest of the family were filed in July, 2007. Friends, is there any other interpretation of CSPA � which could be helpful in this scenario?

    (3) Other Particulars (which could potentially offer any other solution / advice): I am from India and in US from sep 1998 (change of employer forced me to restart my GC process) and my son entered USA in Oct 1999 at his 13 � yrs and stayed continuously & studied in USA from 9th standard. Currently, he is in final yr of under graduate study and is on F1 visa from March 2007 (after completing 21 yrs) paying high (2.5 times the instate fee) international student fee.

    (4) Can I do any thing in the current window when dates are current (until 8/17/07): Friends, if there is any way of filing his I-485, it will be of great help � since he could continue his graduate study at reasonable cost (at instate tuition fee). Are there any other options in this situation? Is there any possibility of I-485 getting receipted (if filed) � since he is supposed to have his PD frozen for his application for family based I-485 at parent�s PD (if applied with in one year of parent�s I-485?) (I am referring to a clause in CSPA � which states that the application will automatically be converted to family based I-485 if applied with in one year � Of course, these dates are not current now).

    (5) I am not aware of how many others are affected with age-out issue in EB based cases. Can we come together through IV and identify potential action items? Can IV and immigration community help in addressing the age-out issue in bills proposed to be introduced (like DREAM / SKILL etc�) now on� (Particularly since the percentage of affected people may be very low with less voice that could be heard). I am thankful to IV & the core team for their extraordinary efforts and shall be contributing my part shortly.

    Sorry for the long note � I thought the complexity of the issue needs it.

    Thx GCVir
    I am sorry to hear about another child aging out. Those not affected can not imagine the anguish it causes. I also had to start my green card a second time because my first I140 application was denied. I have tried every which way to find a way round this issue. Constantly posting every time another person posts on this situation. IV to this point do not seem to be motivated to address this. While the parents on here will eventually get their green cards, these adult children lose their path. In reality these children are the real victims of labor backlogs and retrogression and it would be useful to use these instances to illustrate the misery that results from the backlogs and waiting periods. I am not down playing the plight of spouses who have to wait to be able to work, since my husband has been waiting (not always patiently) for eight years, so do understand this side of the problem as much as anyone else.

    Please IV see this issue for what it is and that is a very real human issue that is destroying families. It could be used to everyone's advantage and highlight the human side of the broken employment based immigration system.

    2011 The great Marnie Stern is set Marnie Stern Album. Marnie Stern was released on
  • Marnie Stern was released on

  • santb1975
    06-02 09:51 PM
    We need 2194$ to reach 20K


    Marnie Stern Album. Show: Marnie Stern On her
  • Show: Marnie Stern On her

  • RNGC
    06-24 03:04 PM

    Here is an article on contribution of Legal Immigrants to Social Security:

    RNGC, excellent thread, looks like pessimistic folks have taking this thread for a ride.

    America stands to loose in many ways. Here is why..

    A study by Kauffman Foundation shows that "an average 13.25-year lag between a key founder�s arrival in the United States and firm formation" - source :
    Loosing well trained individuals due to frustration with the immigration system or due to expired visa duration is equivalent to outsourcing. impact of outsourcing to the US economy is very well debated these days.

    Another Kauffman report shows Immigrants were involved in 25% of the US patents approved in 2006 - Source :
    This leads to reverse-brain drain phenomena who's effects to the economy are well documented.

    Here is couple of NFAP study about

    The impact of immigrant Entrepreneurs and professionals on the US competitiveness: 6.pdf

    Driving Jobs and innovation offshore:

    Stalling the career path through GC backlogs will impede the creativity of the individuals and hence dampen their entrepreneurial spirit. It also kills the innovative spirits in the individuals.

    Those who feel that "grass is greener on the other side" will jump to the other side irrespective of their GC backlog issues, their criteria is different. But there are many who believes that the American system cultivates innovation and entrepreneurial skills, for them the GC backlog is a drag on their growth.

    EB1/2/3 is not a delimiter to innovation, innovation happens at all levels. All EB1's aren't PhD's, there are quite a few PhD's in EB2 and similarly there are quite a few MS folks in EB3 too. By saying US just wants EB1 is utter disrespect to fellow professionals who are not on EB1.

    Marnie Stern Album. by Marnie Stern
  • by Marnie Stern

  • amsgc
    06-03 08:17 PM


    Marnie Stern Album. as a Marnie Stern record
  • as a Marnie Stern record

  • Gravitation
    09-29 02:13 AM
    Nah... not mad at all. It's just my twisted sense of humor... I'm happily resigned to my fate;)

    2010 Marnie Stern – “Transparency Marnie Stern Album. Marnie Stern 05 Marnie Stern
  • Marnie Stern 05 Marnie Stern

  • 485Mbe4001
    06-10 12:07 PM
    Recapture is actually a non controvertial issue and most politicians support it in private. The business lobby was sucessful in getting it done (btw the democrats opposed it even then). These days we have the sword of 'amnesty' hanging over everything related to immigration plus the positions are so polarized that it is impossible to get anything done. The lame duck presidency isnt helping either, each congressman/senator has to worry about its own agenda and their people.

    With the internet every little bit of information is distributed immediately and the opposing forces can easly create noise to drown it...that in a nutshell is why nothing is working for us.

    As mpadapa mentions people satisfied with EAD/AP think that life is good and dont want to help. When people wait in EB3 for 7-8 years and renew EAD/AP for 4-5 times like i have, they will understand. Untill then we hope and pray and call

    Visa numbers have been recaptured in the past (year 2000, I think).

    Do we know more details on how this happened? Who worked for this and what did they do to make their efforts successful?

    Same with the AC21 provision that allows changing jobs after 180 days. That is a huge accomplishment for whoever worked to make it happen.

    Perhaps we can borrow some of their wisdom.


    Marnie Stern Album. Album Review: Marnie Stern
  • Album Review: Marnie Stern

  • gcwatchdog
    11-06 01:05 PM
    so If I don't work parttime but I want to start a LLC to hire some people and want to maintain my H1.........Is it possible ??????????

    hair Marnie Stern was released on Marnie Stern Album. Check it: Marnie Stern#39;s new
  • Check it: Marnie Stern#39;s new

  • Keeme
    03-06 04:52 PM
    Congrats everyone getting soft LUDs

    Don't waste your energy ! You have long way to go !


    Marnie Stern Album. Marnie Stern: Marnie Stern
  • Marnie Stern: Marnie Stern

  • Green.Tech
    05-29 09:56 AM
    Back on top...

    hot Show: Marnie Stern On her Marnie Stern Album. Labels: lil mama, marnie stern
  • Labels: lil mama, marnie stern

  • Humhongekamyab
    09-10 11:49 AM
    I don't know if anybody has noticed it but the dates for EB-2 for VB October 2007 was April 1, 2004 and for VB October 2008 is April 1, 2003. That is a retrogression of 1 year - not good. :mad:


    house Marnie Stern Marnie Stern Album. Marnie Stern played the NY
  • Marnie Stern played the NY

  • gcisadawg
    02-08 07:29 PM
    I don�t agree with this point. If I am doing something and taking care of my parents its my duty. it does not mean my wife also have to do tit-for-tat. It depends on the situation and circumstance. If she is the only daughter, her family situation is bad then we can think about it.

    In this case, when her two other sisters and specially her brother also in the US, I don�t see the reason to support the in-laws. If you make more than enough it�s different. But when you are struggling to make your ends meet...I don�t support your point on this.

    Maybe that brother's philosophy in OP's story is "Stop sending money to parents and in-laws, if its possible. Otherwise, maintain parity by sending money in small amounts to both parents. Its stupid to say my wife is not working so she has no business to send money to her parents. Its so wrong and I'm surprised folks can think like this". That is why that brother's parents and her sister are troubling OP.

    tattoo by Marnie Stern Marnie Stern Album. album, quot;Marnie Stern.
  • album, quot;Marnie Stern.

  • mrajatish
    04-26 10:00 AM
    On a side note, some countries have treaty with US where there SS/Medicare is moved to the SS/Medicare systems in these countries. If India/China had these treaties, we would be well served. Instead of asking the US govt. to fix the problem, we should push our governments to solve this - I believe NASSCOMM has been trying something like this.

    And this is a completely separate issue from getting GC here, if you want GC here, you should focus on getting that instead of getting your SS back. However, there might be a percentage who wants to go back after 6 years in H1 and they should form an alliance and push the Indian/Chinese/other govts to act on their behalf to get their money back.

    It is important that we get a single message across to law makers now - reduce Green card wait times and make employees less dependent on the whims of the employers regardless of your category of application and country of birth.


    pictures as a Marnie Stern record Marnie Stern Album. good albums are released.
  • good albums are released.

  • ksach
    02-12 02:56 AM
    it means freedom and a respect for my education, my skills and my hard work.
    read my story below.


    America, the land of opportunity and freedom.

    These days when I hear America being any of the above, I usually
    sneer. 6 long years have thought me not to accept everything I hear.

    Back home, I had respect. I had a good education and a great job. I
    got an education from the best schools and the best colleges. I worked
    for a big multi-national with a big fat salary and lots of
    opportunities to travel to countries on work. I was a success. But I
    wanted to be more. I wanted to be global. I wanted to work in a
    different country for sometime. I loved seeing different cultures,
    seeing different places; I wanted to see the world. Thats when the
    offer for a job in the US came. I took it up because I could see the
    US of A, the land of the free, the land of opportunity, the land of
    the Cisco's and Microsofts and more importantly, the land of dreams. I
    thought a couple of years working away from home would do me no harm.
    Boy, was I wrong!!!!

    The first few years in my new country of residence were difficult. I
    worked for a startup with its crazy hours and insane schedules. Far
    from seeing new places, I was busy at work. But I did not complain. I
    liked the work and the company's passion to create something new. No
    longer was I working on the junk companies outsource to third world
    companies. I was working on the actual product, creating something
    that was not done before, something I could be proud off. I was busy
    at work, but it was not difficult to notice something, the Americans
    worked hard, the people with green card worked harder, but the people
    on H1-B worked hardest. I guess, the people on H1B had the most to
    lose. But I did not give a hoot. I had a product to deliver. I never
    had the time to think about my green card. I still wanted to go back
    to my country, maybe not right now, but I wanted to. Right now, my
    work was my priority and I would concentrate on that.

    Slowly the years went by, and unknowningly I started seeing the
    American Dream. I got a new car and expensive clothes, I started going
    out with my friends, visited new places, and more importantly I
    stopped feeling homesick. The apartment I shared with my friends was
    my new home. So when my company asked me if they could do my green
    card, I readily agreed.

    I should have seen the signs. There were many of them; but I chose to
    ignore. I should have know that people are exploited when I heard a
    top executive at my company say once that he expects everyone to work
    long hours and weekends because we had no options. The job market
    outside was bad and none of us could find jobs. I should have known
    that my cultural background mattered when the girl at the Albertson's
    counter did not even look up to me, but was very friendly with all the
    Americans ahead of me, or when an office colleauge introduced his girl
    friend to all americans but ignored the Indians. I chose to ignore all
    this, because I thought it does not affect me. As long as I did my
    work or followed the rule of the land, nothing else mattered. I was
    wrong again.

    Two things changed in 2005. My company went down and I got married. I
    was on H1B and had to find a job soon. I was already at the end of my
    H1B tenure so not many companies were interested. That is when I
    realized the disadvantage of being on an H1B. It did not matter that
    my resume was impressive. My H1B status was more important than my
    skill set. It it did not matter that I had already spent a lot years
    in this country and my green card had been filed. It was hard finding
    a job that would sponsor my H1B and my green card again. I did manage
    to find one. But I was not lucky on my home front. My wife could not
    work because she was on a dependent visa. She had given up a career in
    India to be with me, but reality hit soon when she started getting
    bored. She kept herself busy with books, TV and cooking. And life went
    on, hoping that we would get our green card soon and we would be free
    again. Free to find a job of my liking for me, and free to do any job
    for my wife.

    Its Feb 2007 now and there's still no sign of the green card. I
    stopped hoping for one. I dont care for one. All I care for now is my
    wife to be able to work in something she likes within any legal

    Its been a long time since I legally came to this country. I was young
    and succesful then. And now as I cross another anniversary of my
    landing in the US, I reflect upon what I have gained. I have gained a
    big bank balance, a good car, a good lifestyle. What have I lost -
    plenty. I have lost my career, my freedom, my health, my marriage and
    my family. I have been stuck in the same job for many many years while
    all my friends have climbed up the corporate ladder back home in
    India. Its not easy working on an H1B. My marriage has suffered
    because my wife is unhappy that she cannot work, she's close to a
    breakdown, my health has suffered because of all the thinking, and my
    parents have sufferred because I have not been able to take care of
    them. I never have cried so much at my helplessness as I have cried in
    the last one year.

    One thing I have realized about the US is that it is no different than
    any country. Like any other country, the exploitable are always
    exploited. (The big companies are not willing to fight for the welfare
    of their employees. They fight to get more people into the country to
    exploit.) Like any other country, the only thing that gets politicians
    excited is money and votes. (Why do we need so money to lobby the
    politicians? Isn't freedom and justice reasons good enough?) Like any
    other country, it discriminates between the have and the have nots. It
    is a country that has no respect for people. (Ask anyone who goes for
    a visa stamping in the US embassy in India. I have seen old people and
    ladies with small kids spend hours in the hot Chennai Sun to enter the
    embassy for an appointment, just to be spoken rudely by the Visa
    office. There was not even a shelter outside to block the sun. I have
    never seen people turn into US haters so soon). It is a country that
    wants our brains, but is not willing to show a heart.

    Some people may argue that I have the freedom to quit my job and go
    back to my country. But that is not freedom enough. I want the freedom
    to choose when I want to go back. Its not easy to pack 8 years of your
    life in a jiffy. Its not easy to pack 8 years of your life into 2
    suitcases. Neither is it easy to restart your life in a different
    place, even if its your own. It reminds me of an Indian saying -
    "dhobi ka kutta - na ghar ka, na ghat ka". It means, a washerman's dog
    belongs neither to the house nor the river banks. Thats me in a
    nutshell, a "dhobi ka kutta."; a washerman's dog!!!

    ps: I love this country as much as I love my own. But I wish this country loved me back as well.

    dresses Labels: lil mama, marnie stern Marnie Stern Album. (mp3) Marnie Stern - Cinco de
  • (mp3) Marnie Stern - Cinco de

  • jediknight
    04-30 09:38 AM
    Thanks Pappu and the other IV folks. Will be contacting the senators today.

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    - JK


    makeup Album Review: Marnie Stern Marnie Stern Album. Marnie Stern
  • Marnie Stern

  • ajay
    10-21 02:40 PM
    I would like to know if anybody got any response to their mails. It has been a great effort from good guys out here and I hope we get a positive respose from the respective people.
    Please share your experiences if anybody has got any response.


    girlfriend album, quot;Marnie Stern. Marnie Stern Album. Marnie Stern#39;s new album title
  • Marnie Stern#39;s new album title

  • coopheal
    10-01 11:52 AM
    Yes we all are frustrated, but one thing we can do is contribute to IV. Let IV core have some resources in hand to implement strategies they have thought of for advancement of our cause.

    Contributed $100 for this month
    Google Order #552474927075339

    hairstyles Marnie Stern: Marnie Stern Marnie Stern Album. record, Marnie Stern.
  • record, Marnie Stern.

  • beppenyc
    03-08 01:59 PM
    what`s happening....

    07-18 04:11 PM
    good to see a junior member stand up and contribute, I hope people like you become an example to all non contributing members. thank you for your contribution.

    Started a reccuring monthly payment of $50. I will try to convince all my friends from Twin Cities (Minneapolis- St Paul) area to do the same.

    07-21 06:45 AM
    dont know about how many they are processing right now but in 2004 this is how many they were processing.

    "The USCIS currently produces approximately 24,000 EADs per week."

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